

4-person cabin

4-person cabin

Each cabin can be used by  4 /6 or 9/ people simultaneously, regardless of smoking break frequency

Independent and self-sufficient – it has its own system of filters and does not require connection to a separate ventilation system!

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6-person cabin

6-person cabin

Each cabin can be used by  4 /6 or 9/ people simultaneously, regardless of smoking break frequency

Independent and self-sufficient – it has its own system of filters and does not require connection to a separate ventilation system!

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9-person cabin

9-person cabin

Each cabin can be used by  4 /6 or 9/ people simultaneously, regardless of smoking break frequency

Independent and self-sufficient – it has its own system of filters and does not require connection to a separate ventilation system!

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Cabin on request

Cabin on request

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KASO Tadeusz Krawczyk
ul. Dębowa 8
32-031 Mogilany
NIP: 944-000-17-29
REGON: 350469645


+48 666 044 066
+48 501 333 256


+48 501 470 998
Innowacyjna gospodarka
Fundusze Europejskie - dla rozwoju innowacyjnej gospodarki
Informujemy, że TADEUSZ KRAWCZYK KASO realizuje projekt w ramach działania 6.1 Innowacyjna Gospodarka Projekt współfinansowany przez Unię Europejską z Europejskiego Funduszu Rozwoju Regionalnego oraz Budżetu Państwa
Unia europejska